Wednesday, February 22, 2012

All Play & No Work

The girls and I took a much needed road trip to visit the Ancich Family; Sara, Dusan, Hunter, Davin and Avery (not to mention, 3 dogs, 1 frog and 1 hamster). We took on Fashion Island with fury, visited the most adorable cupcake shop named Casey's Cupcakes and enjoyed some nice down time. Already planning our next date!


Relaxing with our warm blankets and a cold one!
Grace's BFF for the weekend, Peanut.
The girls are all dolled up in Sara's makeup!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


No words necessary!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

the bee

She was 1 of 2 kids out of 29 in her class to make it to the school spelling bee. She tied for 5th place out of 20 kids. She made it 4 rounds. She studied 6 pages of words for 14 days. Her word that tripped her up...Muscles spelled Muccels. She made us so proud before and after

The Bee!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Love.

It was a joyous day of love complete with a working laptop (3 cheers...hip, hip hooray), my ubber-perfect hubby making his 3 valentine's a special dinner and margaritas (for me) and the end of a long and grueling project in sight. What a day! We reminded ourselves during grace that we are lucky enough to say "I Love You" everyday and not just today! xo

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

red & pink

It's been a while. Welcome to February! With my laptop on the fritz, blogging has seemed so much more difficult. We've had quite a January with mini-vacas, spelling bees and practice, last minute jobs and of course the daily duties! I am welcoming this month with open arms. I'm also starting a big-new home project this weekend! I'm so pumped! Here's a photo of this month's mantel with the sign Grace bought with her own .99 cents! Yep, it's LOVE!