Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who's the Man?

Snaps from last nights Chamber Awards Dinner. Troy had quite the cheering section and these are just a few of the many that came out to support our "Man of the Year". This is such a honor and we couldn't be prouder!!!

Thanks to ALL of our friends and family for making this an even more special night for Troy~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Doggie Dumpster Diving

Look who got into the trash....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Puddle Jumping

It's raining, it's pouring...Anytime we get a HEAVY rain, our street floods and I mean FLOODS! The water overtakes the sidewalks, driveways, grass and anything else in its path. One year, the Fabries and a few neighbors had boats out and rowed around the neighborhood. It was a sight. We are hoping for another year like, kayaks and any other floating device we can find to jump on and sail down the street.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Daddy*Daughter Lunch

Every year around this time there is a father/daughter lunch at a very nice restaurant in Visalia named The Vintage Press. I was there one year on this day. It was the cutest sight I have ever seen: dads with multiple daughters trying to juggle them but still enjoy a nice occasion, dads with one daughter, dads with little girls, dads with big girls and dads with even bigger girls or shall I say ladies. I couldn't wait for Bailey and Troy to experience such a fun bonding experience. Next year, he will have two girls in tow. So off they went today holding hands in the rain...

Sunday, January 10, 2010


The girls and I decided to take an impromptu trip to visit our friends Erica and Jenny in sunny So. Cal. Molly, Grace, Bailey and Bea had such a great time playing, watching movies, sleeping over and gabbing, going to the park and doing what little girls do best...dressing up! It was so cute to see our babies loving each other as much as we do. We also got to see Jessica who stopped in for an overnighter. Bailey and Grace also got to enjoy their first crepes at Jenny's and they loved them. Highly recommended for those whose kids love waffles or pancakes. We were so sad to leave the 70-ish degree weather for 45-degree weather. However, it was a nice to be where the sun is, even it's only for a little while.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Man of the Year!

Look who's Corcoran's Man of the Year 2009!
What a HUGE honor. We are so proud of our guy...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fresh Start

So it's 2010 and the New Year is here!

I've been thinking about this blog for a while as this month is the official 1-year anniversary of it's discovery and origins. My good friend Sara came to visit around this time last year and led me into what I now call the blog abyss. It's the place where you can get lost for hours in other peoples thoughts, worlds, and lives. Some are really great. I mean, REALLY great. Others are pretty much like mine; a place I share a snap-shot of our lives for my family and friends (and anyone else out there who may care to peek) who are near or far. I was waiting for Sara to come for a visit this month and help me take my blog to a different level, kick it into gear, give it a jump start or whatever you might call it but alas, it didn't work for us this month and so here I am giving my blog a mini-makeover for the start of this new year. My mom did promise to post more comments if I changed my photos so I'm upholding my end of the bargain. Photo change:check.

So this year will be fun as I'm discovering a whole web of creativity. I am looking forward to a Fresh start with Fresh ideas, breathing in more breaths of Fresh air and taking a Fresh step each day and trying to enjoy this blessed life I call mine.

P.S. I haven't given up on my total blog make-over, it's just post-pond. Can't wait until you visit.