Monday, September 27, 2010


The girls were so lucky to do a photo shoot with Evelyn today involving BUBBLES! It was soooo hot today and they partook with gladness.
I need 3 shots for my newly, not-yet- re-done guest bathroom. They will have some sort of white frame with a pink (I think) matte. I need your help! Which 3 do you love?....Help ME! and THANK YOU to our dear friend, Evelyn!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shaver Lake.

Our Annual Shaver Lake Camping Trip went a little something like this...loads of family time and tons of friends to play with,lounging in the lake surrounded by ducks (that would be Mary with her spare)and hanging lakeside with the kids.Cuddling up after a float,digging moots ,and building huge sandcastles with common rooms and master beds.The morning found us playing a mean game of scrabble with Bellini's and cake ballsand by night we were on to something a little saucier!Round-robin story-telling, rock-climbing, birthday's celebrated and too much fun had by all! This trip never disappoints!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

better than cupcakes...

I'm not sure but they come pretty close!
Cake balls!
I am so in love with all things cake and this is just one more reason to celebrate! Imagine the endless velvet/cream cheese, lemon/vanilla, chocolate/chocolate, sprinkles, nuts, lollipops! I can't take the credit...the cake ball ladies are in Dallas and this is the new cupcake. They are everywhere but I just thought I'd document it for kicks. Between you and me, they really give cupcakes a run for their money although I'm think I'm still on Team Cupcake!

Monday, September 6, 2010

summer games

America's favorite past-time right here in good 'ol Fresno comes in the form of the Fresno Grizzlies. We enjoyed ourselves on a weekday, treat-night out with our good friends, the Hansen family. Great seats, great company and a great game. Who could ask for more?!