Friday, March 18, 2011

Cupcakes and Curry

Grace officially turned 4 on Tuesday and we were so lucky to have my mom here to celebrate with us. We had so much fun making curry together and I feel like I am now "in the loop". The recipe we used is from my Grandmother's side of the family from South America and it is so delicious. We were even able to find the Indian Rotti! Yum. We had a few friends over to sample our delights and then we celebrated with yet another rendition of "Happy Birthday" for our little Gracie. It was an awesome visit with my mom and a great evening with good friends.
P.S. The first official MRI results were awesome! Couldn't have capped our few days together any better. Praise God!


  1. How cute are those cupcakes! Wish we where there to celebrate with you guys. The curry looks yummy, when we are all together we will have to make it again! Miss you all, Monica

  2. Awesome looking cupcakes ladies! Send me that curry recipe if you get a chance - yum, yum.
