Monday, April 13, 2009

He Is Risen...

He Is Risen Indeed!
After church, the kids had a good ol'fashion Easter egg hunt. Grace was not to be outdone!
Don't count Bailey out yet...she was hoarding those eggs under her skirt :)
After church, we all got together with our families for a wonderful Easter brunch, more egg hunting and a little croquet. It was a fantastic day had by all!Happy Easter to you all!


  1. You are lookin' slim the girls outfits too cute. And Bailey could never fool me...I know her capabilities...double oh seven fo' sho'. Did you know I'm part black?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You gals look great and ready for Spring. I miss all of you so very much and can't wait until June. It's going to be great! Love ya!

  4. What happen those Easter clothes? Thanks Gracie for sharing.
