Tomorrow, February 2nd (yes, Groundhog's Day), will be the 1 year birthday of our Godson, Luke. Saturday, his family had a fire truck themed birthday party complete with Corcoran's finest! The kids had such a good time and from the looks of did Luke.
Isn't he cute?!

Grace was a little unsure of the big truck.
However, Bailey took to putting out fires like a pro...
and also got soaked when she wasn't behind the hose.
Gracie decided to busy herself with other things that don't include water...

and I was thrilled to see Cocoa, Julie's Australian Labradoodle. I know, you are all so over me with my love for this animal but lucky for's almost our turn.

Now, isn't SHE cute?!
Yes. Gracie is an absolute DOLL.