Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pen Pals.

This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Bailey wrote her first letter today to her new pen pal, Avery. Avery is my friend Sara's daughter and they had the best time when she came for a visit last month. I can't wait to see what these girls have to chat about and all of the fun they will have learning the art of correspondence.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pink Peppermint

After reading a blog the other night I was inspired to make homemade peppermint with the girls for the teachers for Love Day! A simple yet thoughtful task, right? NOT! It all seemed so easy until you get to the chocolate dipping. Wow! Not so easy but I do think they turned out great and they are mighty tasty. I dyed ours pink for Valentine's Day but how cute would green be for St.Patty's Day? You can find them here
That's another reason why I love blogging! The ideas are endless~

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sweet Treats

This is what has been going on in this neck of the woods. Lots of volunteering at the school, shuttling here and there, counting down to the end of mom's radiation, an overnight trip for me and tons of laundry in-between. Sounds exciting, right? So, there you have it. Not enough to blog about but plenty to keep busy! Here are the winners of the 100th day of school door-decorating contest. This event was put on by our parent's club and we hosted an ice cream sundae party for the winners. Yep, Bailey's class was victorious for the 1st grade. Their door is the one with the skiers. Toot, Toot!