Saturday, February 20, 2010

Love is in the Air

February heard me and got busy really quickly! Home projects, birthdays and birthday parties and out-of-town visits have become a staple around here. I will post all of our projects in recent days to come. We are loving life!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Our dear friends Sarah and Aaron had twin girls. In this order are Holiday and precious. Our other friends Sachi and David had a baby girl Zoey. It was so fun to hold babies...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ordinary Day

Have you ever had those days when you were bored with your job? Those days when you thought to yourself, "I need more. I need a challenge. Is this it?" Well, lately I've had those kinds of days. I've often found myself thinking of what more is there to do. Laundry, cleaning, playing with a 2.5 year-old, laundry, cleaning, volunteering...There is only so much cleaning one person can do! I also have wondered what the role of Stay-At-Home-Mom is really supposed to be. What do other people think a SAHM should do/be? Some days are difficult with the kids but most are really great. Should I be running around like a chicken with my head cut off? Am I supposed to be frazzled with laundry piled up, dishes exploding out of my sink and barbie heads stuck to my pants leg? As I've been pondering this, I posed the question to some of my friends. What do their days look like? How do they fill the time? How do they manage to stay challenged and busy? I needed some of that. They helped me to realize that maybe I needed to start some projects and they were right.

1)Clean the garage...check. The funny part is that we have been waiting to buy a new car until we bought a new garage door because ours is too low for our monster vehicle. Well, I suggested we at least measure the existing door to check for width with our two cars. Low and behold, my car fits in the garage (with some adjusting to the door) and now I'm parking in the garage...8 years later!
2)Closet mini-makeover
3)Begin to paint out the oak trim and cabinets.

And so the list went on and on. Well, yesterday as I was cleaning the garage I had an epiphany. Grace and I were doing crafts and I realized that THIS IS IT! Even though there are some days that I'm not challenged or feeling like I could do more THIS IS IT! For Grace, these days are so important to her and all she knows in her little world. She knows that her mommy is spending time crafting with her, playing with her, making her lunch, teaching her how to ride her scooter, etc...I realized that I should love these years because they will go by so quickly and I will want them back. It really sealed the deal when I checked one of my favorite blogs and she had a great video that reminded me of how lucky I am to have these ordinary days!