So it's 2010 and the New Year is here!
I've been thinking about this blog for a while as this month is the official 1-year anniversary of it's discovery and origins. My good friend Sara came to visit around this time last year and led me into what I now call the blog abyss. It's the place where you can get lost for hours in other peoples thoughts, worlds, and lives. Some are really great. I mean, REALLY great. Others are pretty much like mine; a place I share a snap-shot of our lives for my family and friends (and anyone else out there who may care to peek) who are near or far. I was waiting for Sara to come for a visit this month and help me take my blog to a different level, kick it into gear, give it a jump start or whatever you might call it but alas, it didn't work for us this month and so here I am giving my blog a mini-makeover for the start of this new year. My mom did promise to post more comments if I changed my photos so I'm upholding my end of the bargain. Photo change:check.
So this year will be fun as I'm discovering a whole web of creativity. I am looking forward to a Fresh start with Fresh ideas, breathing in more breaths of Fresh air and taking a Fresh step each day and trying to enjoy this blessed life I call mine.
P.S. I haven't given up on my total blog make-over, it's just post-
pond. Can't wait until you visit.